The maid of honor enters the room and looks me in the eye,
“I think we have a wedding doula situation here. The Bride is pissed that the groom’s mom is late and is holding up the wedding.”
I hustle to the next room where the bride is waiting with her bridal party.
“I hear we’ve been gifted some extra time,” I say calmly, placing my hand on her back and taking a deep breath. “Let’s use it to get grounded. We’ll start with some breathing.”
The whole bridal party takes some deep breaths, I send some reiki energy to the bride and give her a gentle massage.
“Let’s set some intentions for today. Would each of you like to share what you wish for the bride on this day?”
The bridal party shares one by one, no hesitation between each.
Lastly, I ask the bride to share her intentions.
Just as we finish, the wedding planner peaks in the door and says we’re ready to go!
Now, instead of remembering the moment before walking down the isle full of anger at her mother-in-law, the bride has a special memory with her closest friends showering her with their love.