Butterfly reminds you to explore and acknowledge where you are in your personal journey of transformation. We are all constantly transforming. We find ourselves in every stage of transformation throughout our lives and can even be in all of them simultaneously. This is especially true when approaching a big life transition such as marriage, childbirth, graduation or retirement.
Butterfly begins as a caterpillar:
Explore, consider, and consume experiences and information that allow you to grow and have the nourishment to undergo the transformation ahead. In a wedding context, this is when you collect ideas, do the planning, and begin to visualize your wedding experience.
Some questions to consider:
What does marriage mean to you?
What is the purpose of a wedding for you and your partner?
What are the most important elements/values you want to come through at your wedding?
Next, Butterfly weaves a Chrysalis:
This is a time for reflection and inner transformation. In her Chrysalis, butterfly is separated from the outside world and uses all the energy and information she has stored to transform its old form into a new majestic identity. This step is quiet and personal. Perhaps that is why it is so rarely talked about in our society. However, this is where the metamorphosis (and magic) happens. Depending on how you process emotions and transitions, this step may require some space from other people (including your partner) or perhaps some one-on-one time with a good girl friend. Whatever emotions surface for you, they are the ‘right’ thing to consider. It’s ok to have doubts, feel grief, anger or sadness. In your chrysalis, it is safe to explore all of these feelings.
Tools for Reflecting:
Be in Nature
Write in a Journal
Speak with a friend who can listen without judgement*
*If you find it difficult to explore these feelings, I am here and willing to listen. Please contact me to set up a time.
Finally, the Butterfly emerges:
Time to show off your wings! Your new identity is ready to share with the world.
Butterfly sits to dry her wings for several hours after emerging from the cocoon. As you step into your new identity, be patient. Give yourself time to try out the new labels: husband and wife. If taking your partner’s last name, you may cycle through these stages again, as you let go of your former identity and take on your new one. Check out this blog, “So, I’m Married… Now What?” with resources for after the wedding. 
We repeat these steps over and over throughout our lives. We can be in all 3 stages at the same time and can move between them in no set order. I have noticed women become concerned when they visit the chrysalis stage, but this is a normal and necessary part of any inner transformation. Have compassion for your own process and create the time and space to allow your butterfly to emerge. Before you know it, you’ll be floating and soaring on your beautiful new wings.