A virtual circle for Mothers with Children soon-to-be Wed.

*This group is open to anyone who identifies as a mother regardless of their own or their child’s sexual orientation, gender identity or physical sex
A group for compassionate mothers whose children will be married soon.
If you have a child who is engaged to be married you know that there are many stressors that can arise. From money and logistics, to guest lists and emotional decisions.
Resolving these challenges as they arise is extra difficult because of all the added emotional complexity of this transitional time for you, your child, their partner and their partner’s family.

In Mindful Matriarchs* you will find a safe, grounded, loving space to share your challenges and joys with other women who are in your shoes.
What to Expect:
- We start with a short grounding exercise, followed by introductions and uninterrupted time to share.
- Space is held after your share for comments and advice, but only at the speaker’s request. (No uninvited opinions here!)
- We close with a short meditation
Led by the one and only Kate Mariah, founder of Intuitive Wedding Doula and Gentle Goddess Reiki, creator of Wise Brides and leader in bringing mindfulness and compassion to the wedding industry.

Got questions? Send me an email (weddingdoula@gmail.com) or message me on FB @intuitiveweddingdoula